Herhangi bir yerinde "şunlar" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
|أهؤلاءÊHÙLEÙehā'ulā'işunlara mı?"""Are these"1x
| أهؤلاء ÊHÙLEÙ ehā'ulā'i bunlar mı o """Are these" 5:53
| أهؤلاء ÊHÙLEÙ ehā'ulā'i şunlara mı? """Are these" 6:53
| أهؤلاء ÊHÙLEÙ ehā'ulā'i bunlar mıydı? Are these 7:49
| أهؤلاء ÊHÙLEÙ ehā'ulā'i bunlar mı? """Were these you" 34:40
|الذينELZ̃YNelleƶīneşunlara kithose who1x
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki (of) those 1:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Kimseler / olanlar Those who 2:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki those who 2:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 2:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) the ones who 2:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (to) those who 2:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne edenler those who 2:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 2:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 2:46
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 2:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:65
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 2:76
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who 2:86
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 2:89
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 2:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 2:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:104
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:105
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:113
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 2:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those, 2:121
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseye those whom 2:143
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:144
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere (to) those who 2:145
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (To) those whom 2:146
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 2:150
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler who 2:153
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who, 2:156
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:159
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (kimseler) those 2:160
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:161
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (kimseler) those who 2:165
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:166
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 2:166
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:167
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 2:171
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:172
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:174
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) they who 2:175
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 2:176
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (are) the ones who 2:177
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne - kimseler who 2:178
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 2:181
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:183
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 2:183
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 2:184
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 2:190
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimeler who 2:208
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 2:212
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 2:213
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 2:213
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:214
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:218
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 2:243
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:249
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (milletleri) those who 2:253
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:254
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 2:257
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 2:261
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 2:262
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:264
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 2:265
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:267
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (için) those who 2:273
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler ki Those who 2:274
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler ki Those who 2:275
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:277
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:278
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:282
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:286
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those 3:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (onlar ki) Those who 3:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) the ones who - 3:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 3:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerim (to) those who 3:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (var ya) those who 3:77
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:89
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 3:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:91
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:100
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 3:100
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those whose 3:106
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those whose 3:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:116
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki onlar who 3:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 3:127
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:130
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 3:134
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:140
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:141
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:142
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:149
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:149
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 3:151
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who - 3:154
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:155
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:156
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:167
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere Those who 3:168
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (of) those who 3:169
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne O(mü'mi)nler ki Those who 3:172
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 3:173
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:176
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:177
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:178
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:180
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 3:181
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 3:183
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 3:186
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 3:186
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine (from) those who 3:187
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (that) those who 3:188
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 3:191
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 3:196
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:198
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:200
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who, 4:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 4:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 4:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those 4:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne bunlar Those who 4:37
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:43
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 4:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyleleri var ki those who 4:46
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:47
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şu those who 4:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 4:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 4:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) the ones 4:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 4:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 4:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki (are) the ones who - 4:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those whom 4:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:71
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:74
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:75
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 4:76
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 4:77
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:83
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 4:84
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler those who 4:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom - 4:97
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 4:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 4:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 4:131
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:135
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:136
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler those who 4:137
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 4:139
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 4:141
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:144
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:146
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne okimseler ki those who 4:150
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 4:157
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanların those who 4:160
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:167
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:168
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 4:173
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 4:173
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 4:175
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler you (who) 5:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler you (who) 5:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine (of) those who 5:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 5:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler who 5:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 5:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 5:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:17
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 5:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (for) those who 5:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 5:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 5:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler ki (are) the ones 5:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyle ki those who 5:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those - 5:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:54
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler and those who 5:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 5:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 5:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 5:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 5:78
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 5:80
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 5:82
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:87
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:93
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:95
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:103
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:105
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:106
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendisine those who 5:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:110
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ama kimseler Those who 6:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine Those (to) whom 6:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 6:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those whom 6:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki [those] who 6:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 6:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 6:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:54
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 6:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 6:68
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 6:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) ones who 6:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 6:82
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) ones whom 6:89
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) ones whom 6:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those whom 6:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those whom 6:108
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 6:113
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:120
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 6:124
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 6:125
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:140
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şunlara ki those who 6:146
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:148
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 6:148
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o ki those who 6:150
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 6:150
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 6:157
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:159
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlara those (to) whom 7:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (will be) the ones who 7:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 7:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 7:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler the ones whom 7:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 7:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 7:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:64
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (of) those who 7:66
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 7:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki - those 7:75
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 7:76
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (of) those who 7:88
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (of) those who 7:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 7:92
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 7:92
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 7:137
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:146
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 7:152
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 7:157
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 7:162
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:165
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:165
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 7:176
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 7:177
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:180
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those whom 7:194
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 7:201
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 7:206
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimselerdir ki (are) those who 8:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler Those who 8:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 8:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 8:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 8:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 8:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:24
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 8:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 8:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 8:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (of) those who 8:50
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) those who 8:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who - 8:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 8:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 8:65
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 8:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those (with) whom 9:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere (to) those who 9:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those (with) whom 9:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those (with) whom 9:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 9:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 9:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 9:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlara those who 9:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 9:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 9:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 9:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:37
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:38
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 9:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:43
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki (are) those who 9:61
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those 9:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 9:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 9:79
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 9:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:91
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who, 9:92
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 9:93
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne [those] who 9:117
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 9:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:119
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:123
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 9:123
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 9:124
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those, 9:125
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere (to) those who 10:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 10:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 10:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 10:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler de those 10:39
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 10:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 10:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:66
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 10:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 10:89
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 10:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 10:95
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those [whom], 10:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 10:100
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 10:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeylere those whom 10:104
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who - 11:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 11:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who 11:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 11:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olandan those who 11:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 11:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:37
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 11:67
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 11:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:106
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:108
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 11:113
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:116
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 12:109
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who 13:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 13:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 13:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 13:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 13:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin of those who 13:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:43
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki onlar Those who 14:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 14:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 14:13
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 14:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 14:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 14:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 14:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler those who 14:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 14:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 14:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 15:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 15:91
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 15:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those whom 16:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those (for) whom 16:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 16:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those whom - 16:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere Those whom 16:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (de) those who 16:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler de those who 16:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:39
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 16:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 16:71
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:85
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:86
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 16:86
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler And those who 16:88
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 16:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 16:99
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 16:100
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 16:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 16:104
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:105
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones - 16:108
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:116
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlara da those who 16:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:124
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 16:128
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 17:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 17:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 17:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 17:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler whom 17:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 17:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 18:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 18:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 18:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 18:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 18:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeyleri those who 18:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 18:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those 18:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o those who 18:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onların Those - 18:104
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who 18:105
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 18:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (were) the ones whom 19:58
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 19:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 19:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 19:76
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (için) those who 19:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 21:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 21:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 21:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 21:39
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 21:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin who 21:77
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 21:97
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 21:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 22:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 22:17
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 22:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 22:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those 22:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 22:38
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler Those who 22:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Those who, 22:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 22:54
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (of) those who 22:54
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 22:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 22:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere (for) those who 22:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 22:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 22:77
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki Those who 23:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Who 23:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden (of) those who 23:24
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 23:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 23:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 23:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 23:74
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir they [who] 23:103
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 24:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 24:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 24:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 24:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 24:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne edenler those who 24:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 24:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki who 24:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 24:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 24:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 24:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri to those who 24:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 24:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 24:58
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those whom 24:58
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 24:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) those who 24:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 24:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne [those who] 24:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 24:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 24:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 25:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 25:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 25:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar Those who 25:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 25:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyle kimselerdir ki (are) those who 25:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin Those who 26:152
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 26:227
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 26:227
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler Those who 27:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 27:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyle kimselerdir ki (are) the ones, 27:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 27:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 27:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 27:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 27:67
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 28:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine Those who, 28:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne whom 28:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those - 28:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (are) those whom 28:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne whom 28:74
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 28:79
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 28:80
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 28:82
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 28:84
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 29:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 29:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 29:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 29:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 29:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 29:17
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 29:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 29:46
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanların (of) those who 29:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 29:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 29:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those 30:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 30:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 30:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 30:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 30:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 30:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 30:47
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 30:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:58
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 30:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 31:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 31:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 31:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler ki those who 32:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 32:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 32:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 32:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 33:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 33:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 33:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 33:38
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 33:39
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler O you who believe! 33:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimselerdir those who 33:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 33:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 34:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeyleri those whom 34:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 34:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 34:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:43
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 35:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 35:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler de those who 35:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 35:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler those who 35:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 35:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 35:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 35:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 36:47
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 37:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 38:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 38:24
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 38:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 38:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 38:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 39:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne [those] who 39:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) those who 39:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 39:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) they whom 39:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 39:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 39:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 39:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 39:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 39:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 39:50
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Those who 39:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 39:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 39:61
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 39:65
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 39:71
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 39:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 40:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 40:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 40:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 40:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 40:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 40:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 40:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 40:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 40:48
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those 40:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 40:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 40:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 40:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 40:66
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 40:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 40:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 40:82
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 41:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 41:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 41:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 41:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 41:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 41:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 41:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden (to) those who 41:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 41:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar those who 41:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 41:50
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those 42:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 42:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 42:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 42:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) those who 42:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olan those who 43:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 43:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeyler those whom 43:86
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 45:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 45:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 45:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 45:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 46:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:13
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyle kişilerdir ki (are) the ones 46:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones 46:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeyler those whom 46:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin Those who 47:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 47:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki those who 47:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 47:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 47:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those 47:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 47:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 47:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones 47:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 47:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who, 47:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones 47:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 47:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 47:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 47:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 47:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 47:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 48:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 48:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) those who 48:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 48:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 48:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 48:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 49:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) the ones 49:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 49:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) those who 49:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki Those who 51:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlara ki (to) those 51:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Onlar ki Who 52:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 53:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 53:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 53:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki onlar Those who 53:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 57:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 57:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 57:24
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 57:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 57:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 57:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 58:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 58:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those 58:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 58:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 58:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 58:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 58:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 58:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 58:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 58:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 58:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 59:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 59:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 59:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 59:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 59:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those 59:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler you (who) 59:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 60:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those (to) whom 60:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 60:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 60:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 60:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (to) those who 60:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 60:13
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 61:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 61:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 61:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 61:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 61:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 62:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 62:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar you (who) 62:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 62:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki (are) those who 63:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler you (who) 63:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanların (of) those who 64:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 64:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 64:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 65:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 65:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 66:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 66:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who believe 66:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 67:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 67:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 67:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 68:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki Those who 70:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 70:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne bulunanlar- those who 73:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 74:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 74:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 74:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 74:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 83:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 83:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 83:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 83:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 83:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Those who 84:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 84:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 85:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 85:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 85:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 89:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki Who 89:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 90:17
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 95:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 98:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 98:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 98:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 98:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 103:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler(dir) Those who 107:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler(dir) Those who 107:6
|تلكTLKtilkeişte şunlarThese7x
| تلك TLK tilke işte bu That 2:111
| تلك TLK tilke onlar This 2:134
| تلك TLK tilke İşte onlar This 2:141
| تلك TLK tilke bunlar These 2:187
| تلك TLK tilke böylece This 2:196
| تلك TLK tilke işte bunlar These 2:229
| تلك TLK tilke bunlar These 2:252
| تلك TLK tilke işte o These 2:253
| تلك TLK tilke işte onlar These 3:108
| تلك TLK tilke bunlar These 4:13
| تلك TLK tilke işte o These 7:101
| تلك TLK tilke bunlar These 10:1
| تلك TLK tilke bunlar This 11:49
| تلك TLK tilke bunlar These 12:1
| تلك TLK tilke şunlar These 13:1
| تلك TLK tilke işte budur This 13:35
| تلك TLK tilke şunlar These 15:1
| تلك TLK tilke işte budur This 19:63
| تلك TLK tilke şu (is) that 20:17
| تلك TLK tilke bu [this] 21:15
| تلك TLK tilke şunlar These 26:2
| تلك TLK tilke şunlar These 27:1
| تلك TLK tilke şunlar These 28:2
| تلك TLK tilke işte That 28:83
| تلك TLK tilke şunlar These 31:2
| تلك TLK tilke işte şunlar These 45:6
| تلك TLK tilke bu This, 53:22
| تلك TLK tilke bu """This" 79:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike Budur That 2:2
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that, 2:52
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That (was) 2:61
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 2:61
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that. 2:64
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun "that,""" 2:68
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that 2:74
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunu that 2:85
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte böyle That 2:176
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That (is) 2:178
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that, 2:178
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 2:196
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu arada that (period) 2:228
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunu that, 2:231
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 2:232
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that (of the father). 2:233
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike buna- that 2:248
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 2:275
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 3:13
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunlar (sadece) That 3:14
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu (hareketleri) That 3:24
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyle that, 3:28
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunlar That 3:44
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 3:49
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 3:58
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 3:75
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that, 3:82
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike ondan that, 3:89
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that, 3:94
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyledir That 3:112
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyledir That 3:112
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu (düşünce ve sözlerini) that 3:156
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 3:182
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bunlar that 3:186
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike budur That 4:3
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu- that, 4:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu (cariye ile evlenme) That 4:25
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunu that 4:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike ve bu that 4:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 4:48
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 4:59
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 4:70
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunu that 4:114
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 4:116
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike buna that 4:133
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that, 4:143
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun (ikisinin) that 4:150
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 4:153
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan da that. 4:153
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu da that 4:169
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 5:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu that, 5:32
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 5:32
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 5:33
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike ondan that, 5:43
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 5:54
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte That 5:58
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu- that 5:60
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that (was) 5:78
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike çünkü That (is) 5:82
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 5:89
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that, 5:94
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike buna (of) that 5:95
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böylece That (is) 5:97
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike budur That 5:108
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 5:119
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike İşte bu That 6:88
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 6:96
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu böyledir That (is because) 6:131
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böylece That 6:146
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 7:26
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu(nlar) That 7:26
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike öyle That 7:146
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that. 7:168
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 7:176
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyle (olacak) That 8:13
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 8:51
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu böyledir That 8:53
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyle (yap) That 9:6
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that 9:27
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 9:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 9:36
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 9:63
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte That, 9:72
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyledir That 9:80
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 9:89
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 9:100
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyledir That is 9:120
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bütün bunları that 10:5
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 10:61
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte That 10:64
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 10:67
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 11:65
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 11:100
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 11:103
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte O That 11:103
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 11:114
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 12:38
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 12:40
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike onun that 12:48
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that 12:49
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu (sözlerim) That 12:52
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 12:65
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 12:102
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 13:3
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 13:4
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 14:5
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 14:14
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte That, 14:18
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu (is) that 14:20
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike şu [that] 15:66
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 15:75
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 15:77
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 16:11
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 16:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 16:13
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 16:65
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 16:67
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 16:69
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 16:79
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu böyledir That (is) 16:107
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that, 16:119
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 17:35
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunların that 17:38
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike şunlar That 17:39
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike Bu That is 17:58
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 17:98
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike Budur that 17:110
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu (durum) That 18:17
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunu that 18:23
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte """That" 18:64
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 18:82
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 18:106
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte That 19:34
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunlar that. 19:64
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that, 20:54
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda vardır that 20:128
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that. 21:82
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu böyledir That 22:6
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 22:10
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 22:11
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 22:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte öyle That 22:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte böyle That, 22:32
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte böyle That, 22:60
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte böyle That, 22:61
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte böyle That (is), 22:62
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunların hepsi that 22:70
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 22:70
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that 23:7
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that 23:15
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 23:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that, 23:63
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 24:3
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 24:5
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 24:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 24:44
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that. 24:47
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that, 24:55
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu- that - 25:10
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunun that 25:38
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu (ikisinin) that - 25:67
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunları that 25:68
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 26:8
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 26:67
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 26:103
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 26:121
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 26:139
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 26:158
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 26:174
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 26:190
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 27:52
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 27:86
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu """That" 28:28
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 29:19
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that, 29:24
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 29:44
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that, 29:51
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 30:21
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 30:22
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 30:23
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 30:24
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte odur That 30:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 30:37
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 30:38
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böylece that 30:50
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunlar that 31:17
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyledir That 31:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 31:31
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte O'dur That 32:6
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 32:26
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunlar That is 33:6
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 33:19
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu And that is 33:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike budur That 33:51
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike budur That 33:59
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 34:3
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 34:9
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyle That 34:17
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 34:19
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 35:11
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 35:17
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 35:32
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 36:38
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunu that. 38:25
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 38:27
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 38:64
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte that - 39:15
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte (With) that 39:16
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 39:21
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 39:23
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 39:34
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 39:42
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 39:52
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 40:22
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike O That 41:9
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 41:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 41:28
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte That - 42:22
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 42:23
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 42:33
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 42:43
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunlar that 43:35
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That - 44:57
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 45:13
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte That 45:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu böyledir That 47:3
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte That. 47:4
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyledir That 47:9
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu böyledir That 47:11
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu böyledir That 47:26
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu böyledir That 47:28
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 48:5
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that was made fair-seeming 48:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 48:27
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike şöyledir That 48:29
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 50:3
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu """That" 50:19
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 50:20
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 50:34
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 50:37
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 50:42
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 50:44
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 51:16
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that, 52:47
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 53:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 56:45
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 57:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 57:21
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu that 57:22
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunlar That - 58:4
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu- that 58:7
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 58:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 59:4
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike böyledir That 59:13
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike öyledir That 59:14
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 61:12
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 62:4
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 63:3
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunu that, 63:9
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 64:6
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte o that 64:9
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 64:9
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that, 65:1
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 65:5
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 66:4
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan (all) that 68:13
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that, 70:31
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 70:44
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that. 72:11
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike buna [that] 75:40
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike o (of) that 76:11
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bu That 78:39
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 79:26
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bundan that 79:30
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte bunun için that 83:26
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike işte budur That 85:11
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bunda that 89:5
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike bu That 98:8
| ذلك Z̃LK ƶālike buna that 100:7
|فتلكFTLKfetilkeişte şunlarAnd these2x
| فتلك FTLK fetilke işte şunlar So, these 27:52
| فتلك FTLK fe tilke İşte şunlar And these 28:58
|هؤلاءHÙLEÙhā'ulā'işimdi şunlar(of) these10x
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i onların (of) these, 2:31
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i (are) those 2:85
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i o kimseler ki those who 3:66
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar these (people) 4:41
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar """These" 4:51
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bu (with) these 4:78
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i siz those who 4:109
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlara these 4:143
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i onlara those. 4:143
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şimdi şunlar these, 6:89
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar these 7:38
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şunların these, 7:139
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunları these (people) 8:49
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar """These" 10:18
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i işte bunlardır """These (are)" 11:18
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şunlar These 11:78
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i onların these (polytheists). 11:109
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şunların (of) these 15:66
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar these 15:68
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i işte """These" 15:71
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i işte (bunlar) these 16:86
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunların these. 16:89
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i onlara da (to) these 17:20
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunları these 17:102
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şunlar These, 18:15
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i onları (to) these 21:44
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar these 21:65
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i onlar these 21:99
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bu these 25:17
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şunlar these 26:54
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şunlardır These 28:63
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şunlardan (Araplardan) these 29:47
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar these 38:15
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlardan these, 39:51
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunları (to) these 43:29
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar these 43:88
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar these 44:22
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şunlar these 44:34
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i onlarsınız ki these, 47:38
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i bunlar these 76:27
| هؤلاء HÙLEÙ hā'ulā'i şunlar these 83:32
|هذاHZ̃Ehāƶāişte şunlarThis1x
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā Bu """This (is)" 2:25
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 2:79
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 2:126
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu "(is) this?""" 3:37
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur This 3:51
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur this, 3:62
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu (anda) [this] 3:125
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu This 3:138
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu "(is) this?""" 3:165
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunu this 3:191
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu this 5:31
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 5:41
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 5:110
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 5:119
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 6:7
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 6:19
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 6:25
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 6:30
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur """This" 6:76
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur """This" 6:77
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur """This (is)" 6:78
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this (is) 6:78
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu "this?""" 6:130
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 6:136
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunu "this.""" 6:150
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur this 6:153
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this, 7:51
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 7:109
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 7:123
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu (of) this 7:169
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu- this 7:172
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (Kur'an) This (is) 7:203
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunun this. 8:31
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu is this 8:31
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 8:32
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this, their (final) year. 9:28
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā (işte) budur """This" 9:35
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 10:2
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bundan this 10:15
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 10:37
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (will) this, 10:48
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 10:76
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu Is this magic? 10:77
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This is not" 11:7
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bundan this. 11:49
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bundan this. 11:62
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 11:72
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bundan this. 11:76
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 11:77
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (of) this 12:3
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu about this affair, 12:15
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu This 12:19
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bundan this. 12:29
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 12:31
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 12:31
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu with this shirt of mine 12:93
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte bu This 12:100
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 14:35
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu This 14:52
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte budur """This" 15:41
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu """This" 16:116
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this, 17:9
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 17:41
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu this 17:62
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (of) this 17:88
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 17:89
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bundan this 18:24
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 18:49
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 18:54
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu this, 18:62
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte bu """This" 18:78
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 18:98
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bundan this 19:23
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte budur This 19:36
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 20:88
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 20:117
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 21:3
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte budur This 21:24
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 21:38
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunu this 21:59
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunu this 21:62
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte şu (is) this. 21:63
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bundan "this;" 21:97
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte bu """This" 21:103
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunda this 21:106
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu(Kur'a)nda this, 22:78
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This is not" 23:24
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 23:33
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu- this, 23:63
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (tehdid) this 23:83
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 23:83
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 24:12
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu This 24:16
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 25:4
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 25:7
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 25:30
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu [this] (one) 25:53
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 26:34
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (davranışımız) (is) this 26:137
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 27:13
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 27:16
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this, 27:28
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 27:40
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (tehdid) this, 27:68
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 27:68
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (will) this 27:71
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 27:76
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā biri this 28:15
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This (is)" 28:15
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 28:36
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this - 30:58
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte bunlar This 31:11
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (of) this Day of yours. 32:14
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 32:28
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 33:22
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 34:29
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 34:43
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 34:43
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 34:43
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu This 35:12
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 36:48
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte budur """This (is)" 36:52
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur This 36:61
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 37:15
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu This 37:20
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 37:21
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 37:60
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunun (of) this, 37:61
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 37:106
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 38:4
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 38:5
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 38:6
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 38:7
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 38:23
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 38:39
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā (işte) bu This 38:42
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu This 38:49
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte budur This 38:53
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 38:54
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu böyledir This (is so)! 38:55
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte This (is so)! 38:57
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte şunlar This 38:59
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunu "this;" 38:61
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 39:27
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu "this?""" 39:71
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This (is)" 41:50
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunu this, 43:13
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 43:30
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 43:31
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu- this, 43:52
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur This 43:61
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur This 43:64
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu This 44:11
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā o this 44:50
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte budur This 45:11
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (Kur'an) This 45:20
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte This, 45:29
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (of) this Day of yours, 45:34
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bundan this 46:4
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 46:7
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 46:11
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 46:17
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 46:24
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 46:34
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 50:2
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu- this. 50:22
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte """This" 50:23
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte budur """This" 50:32
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur işte This 51:14
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu Then is this magic, 52:15
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu This 53:56
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 53:59
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 54:8
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte böyledir This 56:56
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā budur işte this 56:95
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 59:21
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu """This" 61:6
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bunu "this?""" 66:3
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā şu this, 67:20
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā o this, 67:21
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 67:25
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte budur """This" 67:27
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 74:24
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (is) this 74:25
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 76:22
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu This 77:35
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte bu This 77:38
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā işte budur """This" 83:17
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu this 87:18
| هذا HZ̃E hāƶā bu (of) this 106:3
|هذانHZ̃ENhāƶāniişte şunlarThese two1x
| هذان HZ̃EN hāƶāni bunlar these two 20:63
| هذان HZ̃EN hāƶāni işte şunlar These two 22:19

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