Herhangi bir yerinde "VLAL" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ع ل و|ALVولعلاVLALEveleǎlāve üstün gelmeğe çalışırdıand surely would have overpowered,1x
ع ل و|ALV ولعلا VLALE veleǎlā ve üstün gelmeğe çalışırdı and surely would have overpowered, 23:91
|ولعلكمVLALKMveleǎllekumbelkiand so that you may9x
| ولعلكم VLALKM veleǎllekum umulur ki [and] so that you may 2:150
| ولعلكم VLALKM veleǎllekum ve umulur ki siz so that you may 2:185
| ولعلكم VLALKM veleǎllekum ve belki and so that you may 7:63
| ولعلكم VLALKM veleǎllekum ve olur ki and that you may 16:14
| ولعلكم VLALKM veleǎllekum ve umulur ki and so that you may 28:73
| ولعلكم VLALKM veleǎllekum belki and that you may 30:46
| ولعلكم VLALKM veleǎllekum ve umulur ki and that you may 35:12
| ولعلكم VLALKM veleǎllekum ve umulur ki and that you may 40:67
| ولعلكم VLALKM veleǎllekum ve umulur ki and that you may 45:12
|ولعلهمVLALHMveleǎllehumartık herhaldeand that they may3x
| ولعلهم VLALHM veleǎllehum ve belki and that they may 7:164
| ولعلهم VLALHM veleǎllehum artık herhalde so that they may 7:174
| ولعلهم VLALHM veleǎllehum ta ki and that they may 16:44

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